
Thursday, 10 December 2015


A VIEW in SQL in completely based on the concept of Virtual Table which comes as a result of some SQL query. It behaves like a real table and you can perform all SQL statements and function on a VIEW. - SQL-VIEW

How to create a VIEW:


CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_Name] as
select A.Name, A.Email, A.Phone
from tbl_name as A
where A.status = 1


For example let me create a table as tblEmployee
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblEmployee]
id int identity(1,1),
Emp_Code varchar(20) primary key,
Emp_Name varchar(500),
Emp_Email nvarchar(500),
Emp_Salary decimal,
Emp_Dept int,
Emp_Status int

Now I am going to create another table with the name tblDepartment

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDepartment]
id int identity(1,1),
Dept_Id int primary key,
Dept_Name varchar(500),
Dept_Status int

Now based on these two tables I want to get details of those employees who are currently working for the organization i.e. has Emp_Status as 1, for this I am going to create a VIEW named as View_Emp_Active.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_Emp_Active] as
select A.Emp_Code, A.Emp_Name, A.Emp_Email, A.Emp_Salary, B.Dept_Name
from tblEmployee A inner join tblDepartment B
on A.Emp_Dept = B.Dept_Id
where a.Emp_Status = 1

So, whenever you need to get the list of active employees just call this View rather than writing the full code of the select statement from two tables using join statement.

Some Important things you should know about the SQL VIEW:
1.    A view can only be updated i.e. insert, delete, update statement can only applied on the View if it is formed from s single table, otherwise you cannot perform these actions on a View.
2.    You cannot have a view having more than 1000+ columns.

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