
Thursday, 15 May 2014

Avoid Refreshing of Master Page

The refreshing of master page is a big problem for .NET developers, if you have placed a tree kind of menu in your website than if your master page refreshes every time than this is not a good thing for your website. So, to overcome this problem you can use frameset and iframe.

1  <frameset>
2       <div style="width:100%;">
3       <div style="width:35%; height:auto; float:left;">
4        <iframe src="Default2.aspx" height="auto" width="250px;"></iframe>
5        </div>
6        <div style="height:auto; width:65%; float:left;"></div>
7        <iframe id="iframe2" name="iframe2">
9         </iframe>
1        </div>
1      </frameset>

If you a designing the menu in left side of your page than the first iframe should contain the src of the page which contains menu and in the page which contains menu will have target="iframe2" in anchor tag’s property like this :

<a href="Default3.aspx" id="dd" title="page" target="iframe2" style="color:Navy;">Title</a>